Wednesday 7 August 2013

Najd 1 - Introduction to Najd

Najd is a very important place because our Beloved Prophet Peace be upon him warned the Muslims that during the end of times, great fitna and trials will emerge from Najd.
We as Muslims need to carefully learn about Najd and the satanic group that will emerge from there. We Muslims believe that we only live once and then when we die, Allah almighty will trial us, known as the Day of Judgement, so in this life we have to be very careful and have to follow Holy Quran, Sunnah, the way of Sahaba RadiAllah Anhu, Ahlebayt Alaisalaam, Salaf Us Saliheen Rahimullah, Classical Scholars Rahimullah and Awliyah Allah Rahimullah, and also keep an eye open on the warnings and the fitna's of this world in order to save our Iman. There are many fitnas such as people will claim they are Prophets, also the fitna of the one eyed Dajjal (Anti Christ). There is also one great fitna that will emerge and that is the fitna of Najd from where the horn of devil will rise from, and according to many scholars this means that a group will rise from there which will follow the way of satan and it will be a satanic group, this group will bring with it many trials and fitnas in order to test the Iman of the Muslims, So we Muslims need to learn about this group and recognise the Najdi Fitna and save our selves and our Imaan because this is the most precious thing for the Muslims and we cannot afford to loose it under any circumstances.

In order to really get the picture together about NAJD and the Satanic Group which will emerge from there, we will have to:

1.Read from Hadith Mubarak about the warnings of the Najdi Fitna/Fitna Group
2.Research on the location of Najd and the history behind Najd. For example; where is Najd, any information available about Najd. Maps, Books, Scholars research, Warnings, and if it has any links to any country, area etc
3.Research on what Najd means
4.Research if any big fitna emerged from Najd and what was the fitna, was it a everyday thing or was it something that divided the Muslim ummah and lead to many destructions and killings
5.If any fitna emerged, then did the Najdi fitna group commit any cruelties i.e. killed Muslims in the name of Islam, kidnapped Muslims, cut their throats, divided Muslims – All in the name of Islam
6.Read books written by scholars who wrote against the Najdi fitna when it emerged (Arab Scholars especially)
7.Research about the satanic Najdi group and their slogans and see if they actually represent them or are they just used as a tool to gain power
8.Look at the Najdi fitna tactics, their character, and do they resemble anything our Prophet peace be upon him warned us about
9.Research what is happening around the world and is this Najdi group involved in these fitnas, wars, cruelties, bombings, using Islam as a tool for political reasons, confusing the Muslim ummah, calling other Muslims kafir, mushriks, bidatis, people of hell fire, issuing unislamic fatwas, destroying the classical literature of Islam.
10.Is this Najdi fitna satanic group attacking and killing Muslims around the world, bombing Masjids, destroying graves of Prophets Pbuthem, Sahaba RadiAllah Anhu, Ahlebayt Alaisalaam, Awliyah Allah Rahimullah that have been left untouched for hundereds and even thousands of years
11.Is this Najdi Fitna group attacking and destroying the blessed history of Islam, and trying their level best to wipe the face of the Islamic history off this earth

InshaaaAllah if you research and learn about every single area of Najd, then you will without any doubt recognise the satanic group which emerged from Najd and will also learn that this Najdi Khawarij group is destroying and dividing the Muslims from inside, this group is secretly sponsored by the big powers in order to divide and weaken the Muslim ummah, the exact same tactic was used against the Ottoman Empire which lead to its destruction during World War one, and now the same group is used as an excuse to attack the Muslim countries in order to capture their resources and to replace unfriendly governments with friendly ones.

The way this group is used against the Muslims can be secretive and confusing but one thing for sure is that this group always gives excuses for the western powers to invade the Muslim lands and occupy them and take away their resources, it gives excuses in many different ways but one reason very common is that it threatens the west, its public and falsely claims that they will butcher the western people and this makes the west get united. The west also uses these threats as a propaganda tool to declare war on Muslim countries without much explaining to do to its public.  This leads to killings of thousands of innocent Muslims, rapes, kidnappings.  Also if you concentrate on this Najdi Khawarij group, you will realise majority of their attacks, destruction is on the Muslims and this has killed hundered of thousand of Muslims around the world and lead to billions of dollars in economic loss.

The Najdi Khawarij groups claim they are committing Jihad against the western powers but in reality they are destroying and killing the Muslims, as they are murdering Muslims every day through suicide bombings, Bombing Masjids, schools, Graves, markets, bus stops. If you actually do some research you will come to a conclusion that the so called Islamic rebels have killed hundred of thousands of Muslims around the world and caused billions of usa dollars damage to the Muslim lands, so basically they are secretly being used to destroy the Muslim lands.

"On one hand the west is murdering Muslim ummah and on the other hand the fake jihadis, bomb mosques, destroy graves, destroy shrines, killing traditional Muslim scholars all over the Muslim world"

The west on purpose lets a certain Arab country sponsor these Satanic groups and allows them to build mosques for them, make madarasa, schools, publish books. There are also other channels available to give funding to the rebels.

I would like to inform you that you will have to research everything about Najd, its fitna and their character in order to get the idea about Najd as our Prophet Peace be upon him gave clear warnings against this satanic group, ie the location of the fitna region, they will cause fitna, it will be a center of kufr, they will be religious Muslims as they will pray, call people to Islam, they will be foolish youths

But if Muslims ignore the warnings of Prophet Peace be upon him and still favour this ideology then that is their choice as in this world, we can do whatever we want as people have free will but you will have to accept that we all will die one day and on the day of judgement everything will be clear and you will be responsible for your own actions and decisions, that is because Allah almighty wants to test you, too see if you going to follow your own desires, or follow the warning of Prophet Peace be upon him, classical scholars, Quran and Sunnah. This same will happen when the Dajjal will come, he will lead astary millions of Muslims, but we have to understand that Dajjal will be sent to test the Iman of the Muslims. Same this Najdi Dajjali sect is doing, it is testing the Iman of the Muslims and from this Najdi sect the last people will rise with the Dajjal

You will learn that many youths these days completely ignore the warnings and rebel against their own parents, against their own scholars in order to follow extremist groups, this is all because they following their ego as this group gives you freedom to do whatever you desire, and use islam to satisfy your self. You will also notice this satanic group wants to destroy Islamic history, destroy shrines, graves of Prophets Pbuthem, shrines of Sahaba RadiAllah anhu and feel no shame in doing so, all because they do not want to listen to other and want to put their own mark on this earth, and ignore all the 1400 years of Islamic history and how the Muslims lived before them.

I will also show many proofs on this bloggs on the evils of the Najdi movement, also their corrupt unislamic fatwas (Religious rulings). This Najdi movement declared the whole Muslim ummah as Kafir and Mushriks, this is the reason they continue to kill Muslims around the world.  This is clearly proven if you do a deep research on the Najdi Salafi Wahabi militant groups around the world, their are hundreds of them and they all claim they are fighting for Islam, but majority of their killings are of the Muslims.

The true Muslims are those who are true believers and want to live in this world in peace, harmony, brotherhood and want to respect their elders, neighbours, respect people of other religions, respect their families, show mercy and kindness to everyone, this is because we are sent to this earth to only worship Allah Almighty and not cause fitna and chaos.

May Allah Almighty save the whole mankind from this Saudi Najdi Wahabi Khawarij Fitna. Ameen

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